Fishing Report
Spring Is Almost Here In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, this weeks report if definitely better then last weeks we are starting to see a little bit more action. This week trolling on the reef has been tough not many bites, a few king mackeral in the early mornings and some smaller bonitos....
Fort Lauderdale Fishing In February
Hello everyone, Capt Vinnie here, sorry to everyone who always looks forward to my weekly report but last week was super tough fishing and I didnt have much to report, but that being said looks like this week is starting to head in a positive direction. All this crazy...
Cold Weather and Hot Fishing In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, this week in Fort Lauderdale the weather has been changing around a-lot, from super cold and gloomy days to days with sunshine and temps around 75 degrees. As for the fishing we had some excellent days and we also had some days where...
Consistency Is Key In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, this week the fishing has for sure picked up and has been much more consistent then last week as well as the week before that. For the report this week I will start offshore, we had a couple of days this week with some easterly winds...
January Deep Sea Fishing In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone, Capt. Vinnie here... This week in Fort Lauderdale I would say the best way to describe the fishing would be TOUGH, I have been pulling out all my tricks to make things happen, all the cold fronts and changing conditions daily have been making it tough...
Finishing Up The Year In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, super busy week for us here at the YB Normal, Christmas week is sure in full effect. As far as the fishing goes for this week honesty it has been very tough I would be lying through my teeth if I said It was great right now, but that...
The Sailfish Are Biting In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, for this weeks report just like the title says sailfish has been the main attraction. The sailfish bite has been pretty consistent right now just off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, seems like the days with the heavier the winds the...
December Deep Sea Fishing In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, for this weeks report here in Fort Lauderdale the best way to describe it would be TOUGH!!! Deep Sea Fishing in December can be tricky always fishing around cold fronts its going to make it difficult no matter what, changing...
Ending November With A Bang In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, its been a great November this year some great weather and some great fishing as well. The fishing this week has been super good on some days and other days its been so tough just to get a bite. This time of year when fishing around...
November Deep Sea Fishing In Fort Lauderdale
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, what a great week weather wise and also fishing wise, finally it seems like we have been able to find a break in the weather and the fishing has been pretty top notch as well. For this week majority of the action has been right on the...